Download Free Games of "Demonstar"

The most enjoying and thrilling vertical scrolling shooter on the market! the DemonStar takes shooters to the extreme with Multiplayer/Network capabilities, Force Feedback joystick support, 3-D rendered graphics, very explosive sound effects, and a brilliant soundtrack. In order to destroy each boss, you will have to search for as many weapons such as lasers, homing missiles, and many more. You have to maneuver your way through 18 progressive levels and must build up an arsenal compatible of a match against the Mighty mega-boss of all time:THE DEMONSTAR

The Xidus have been developing in secret new, more powerful DemonStarships to destroy Earth. Your job is to battle your way through hordes of new enemies, and destroy their devastating new weapons!

The first in the new series of DemonStar spinoff titles using an enhanced version of the original engine. Secret Missions 1 is DemonStar infused with arcade quality graphics, sound FX and backed up with all new levels and music soundtrack.
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